Teen Pornography Statistics
Teen pornography statistics are alarming. Youth exposure to porn and sexually explicit material can effect teen sexual behavior, sexual attitude, and sexual health.
It’s the teenage years that sexuality issues become prevalent. Teen bodies mature and teen sex becomes a major topic of discussion. These articles provide information and help with understanding: maturation, teen sex education, birth control, abstinence, STDs, masturbation, being in love, and much more.
Teen pornography statistics are alarming. Youth exposure to porn and sexually explicit material can effect teen sexual behavior, sexual attitude, and sexual health.
The teen years are a time of self discovery and a time when your identity forms. Teens are also discovering a lot about their sexuality. …
Unprotected Sex and Teen Pregnancy through risky teen behavior and unprotected sex. STD and Pregnancy information, statistics, facts, and more. Sexually active teens and unprotected sex.
Information for parents and teens on alternative sexual intercourse. Sex education for teens and parents. Sexual development and puberty and experimentation information, stats, facts, and info.
Condom Use and Statistics among teens. Effectiveness of condoms in prevention of birth or sexually transmitted diseases. Contraceptive and Protection through condom use. Get condom statistics and stats.
Teen Abstinence Education and Benefits of abstinence. Includes abstinence statistics, education information, and info on discussing sex education with your teenager for prevention of STDs, pregnancy, etc.
What is Masturbation? Find out the details for teenagers and youth on masturbation. Reasons teens masturbate, negative effects, and other information for parents of teens. – PG-13.
Teen Sex Education and Sex Ed Statistics on effectiveness in promoting abstinence, education on abstinence and sexual development during the teen years to prevent teen sex and pregnancy, and components of sex education for teens.
Myth or Truth? Get the meaning of jelly bracelets a.k.a. sex bracelets. Jelly Bracelet Meanings, Sex Bracelet Meanings and color code for jelly bracelets used by teens and adolescents. If your teen wears colored jelly bracelets – read this article on the meaning of sex bracelets.
Some teens use oral sex as an alternative form of sex that preserves their virginity and does not cause pregnancy. Find out what the consequences of teen oral sex could be in this article.